ArticlesHRC, of the Clinton Crime Syndicate…er…the Clinton Foundation, paid for a dossier compiled by a foreign operative to find dirt on candidate Trump.
If the Lefties really want to protect Americans, they will get on board with building the wall and securing our border AND deporting illegal aliens.
This highly esteemed Vogue editor, Lynn Yaeger, dared to criticize First Lady Melania Trump’s attire…or to be precise, her stilettos.
Gloria Steinem was the godmother of feminism and the sexual revolution. She is all for abortion but wants to save childrens’ lives.
All of the investigation should give us citizens pause: if the Deep State can do this to the president who happens to be a billionaire business man with a top-shelf legal team, they could do it to any of us.
Operation Fast and Furious Eric Holder refuses to just go away and has been piping up and tweeting that Trump better not fire Mueller!
The Left loves to call every rifle an assault weapon. Progressives, shouting their slogans and “marching for their lives,” are a living picture of stunning firearm ignorance.
Hillary Clinton has lived a full life: chock full of radical avarice and deception! Any who have followed Hill and Bubba’s trajectory understand the couple are all about power.
Obama used his pen and phone to draw red lines and subsidize the failing solar industries and to flood the military with new rabidly pro-LGBTQ personnel and guidelines.
Trump has slashed regulations, championed life, advanced energy independence, thrown off the climate change nuts, and more. And along the way, President Donald Trump has accrued some enemies.
Republicans and conservatives believe in right and wrong and the rule of law. But the Democrats? The Dems believe in power. At. Any. Cost.
Megastar Oprah has denied any presidential aspirations barring a sign from God Almighty. I won’t speak for God. But I will speak for myself and I hope every patriot joins me saying ‘Nope’!
Botox Babe Nancy faced DACA delinquents screaming at her during a Town Hall where she intended to soothe the malcontents with words of assurance that Democrats had their illegal backs.
Remember this is the same Joe Biden that had some real spiffy advice for his Missus Jill Biden concerning safety at their secluded home.
Those teens, still grieving, are being used as shills by the Lefty gun-grabbers whose ultimate goal is disarming the American people so the Enlightened Elitists can control the unwashed masses.
Teachers qualified and trained to conceal carry should carry. Church members and pastors trained to conceal carry should carry.
The Left doesn’t want a wall. The real irony is that Mexico has some pretty darn stringent demands of any foreigners coming to THEIR country.
Comically Incorrect Owner/Editor-in-Chief (Cartoonist-in-Chief), A.F. “Tony” Branco, created a ‘toon to memorialize CNN’s Blitzer in all his collusion-hunting glory, and even President Trump enjoyed it enough to tweet it out to his 47.9 MILLION followers.
Nancy Pelosi can chalk up another sound bite to the Really Stupid Comments Hall of Fame. Pelosi waxed ignorant in response to the $1,000 bonuses to American workers post Trump tax cut.
It was clear from the beginning that there was absolutely no love lost between Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama. Obama treated the Israeli Prime Minister like a scorned mother-in-law.