Halloween Now Officially Trigger Night! Oh no! (Video)

Trigger Halloween

Are you as fed up as I am at all the whiny babies everywhere? Thin-skinned snowflakes without an ounce of common sense or inner fortitude.

America was forged by men and women of courage and convictions: rugged individualists, tempered by faith, inner moral constraints. They dared to dream and dared to follow those dreams with determination, never wavering.

But America today — or at least America’s government schools — seems to be cranking out young people who view themselves as victims who are owed everything.

What happens when children are raised to believe they are the center of the universe?

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Look around and see for yourself. Young folks in need of safe spaces and coloring books, crying over “triggers” but not batting an eye over the killing millions of unborn babies. It’s lunacy. Pure madness.

Well here’s a little video relief from all the over the top nonsense. Watch “Trigger.” Take five. Laugh a little.

