When a Clueless Young Checker Asks for ID — Oops! (Video)

check ask for ID

There are good checkers and not so good checkers. And then there are clueless checkers! LOL!

This video is fun, the equivalent of the man or woman who innocently asks when a woman, who they assume to be pregnant, is due, only to find out they’re just fat.

Hint: discernment is a good thing. Tact is a good thing.

Somehow parents really need to teach their kids both. Maybe this is what happens when young people aren’t allowed to work until they’re at least 14, and it seems fewer and fewer teens even have summer jobs, and odd jobs during the school year.

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Add to that a generation raised interacting with even their best friends via devices, and is it just me, or does it seem that great swaths of 14 – 30 year olds have no sense of manners and decorum.

So a word to the wise, or a Gen Z-er trying to get wise: when asking to see ID, don’t make mention of age! Don’t mention the senior discount.

I’ll say one thing — it does make for a pretty humorous skit.

“Getting carded isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Starring Carolyn Taylor, Meredith MacNeill, Aurora Browne, and Jennifer Whalen.
