They Forgot to Tell Lucy About the Extra Ingredient! (Video)

I love Lucy Vitameatavegamin

Millions of Americans really did love Lucy and tuned in weekly/nightly for a dose of fantastic humor on I Love Lucy.

I watched the reruns with my Norwegian grandpa Ole, both of us laughing so hard popcorn eating during the show was unwise, barring the presence of someone proficient in the Heimlich maneuver.

Lucille Ball was a one in a million comedian, unafraid as her character, Lucy Ricardo, to employ great slapstick routines. For any too young to be familiar, Lucy played the wife of Cuban singer/performer/bandleader, Ricky Ricardo, played by Ball’s real-life husband, Desi Arnaz.

If you have young people in the family who have never watched I Love Lucy, do them a favor and sit them down to watch this on your device or smart TV.

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It’s safe to say that it’s pretty hard to find decent comedy these days that grandparents, parents and kids can all watch and enjoy without cringing at the language and/or immoral message.

No so with Lucy. This is good, clean, hilarious fun.

Hint: the producers of the commercial forgot to mention to Lucy that there was one extra, potent ingredient in the “Vitameatavegamin”!

The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle…Vitameatavegamin!

Actually, that little bottle creates a BIG problem for well-meaning Lucy! LOL!
