Tag Archives: Trump

New Sheriff in Town

New Sheriff in Town

With President Trump the policy of strategic patience is over, he also brings a welcome end to Obama’s ridiculous “Apology..
Leading From the Front

Leading From the Front

Unlike Obama, Trump followed through striking Syria when it crossed the red. ISIS, N.Korea and the world take heed. Political cartoon..
What Chaos?

What Chaos?

President Trump says his administration is not in chaos, but is a fine tuned machine doing exactly what he was..
Friends For Real

Friends For Real

President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu seem to have repaired the damage to U.S. Israeli relations caused by Obama. Cartoon..
Enemy Within

Enemy Within

It’s as though the 9th circuit is trying to sabotage President Trumps effort to keep America safe from terrorism. Political..
Aiding and Abetting

Aiding and Abetting

Some say Judge Robart may be to blame for future terror in America if his ruling against President Trump’s travel..
Feel the Hate

Feel the Hate

Anti-Trump leftist on fire to prove their disdain for the new President throwing law and order to the side and..
A New Day!

A New Day!

Inauguration 2017.  It’s time President Trump puts his foot down putting an end to the Obama’s lawless agenda and get us back to..
Whine Country

Whine Country

Meryl Streep makes a fool of her self at the Golden Globe Awards whining about president-elect Trump. Political Cartoon by..
That Sinking Feeling

That Sinking Feeling

Democrats gasping at straws using the alleged Russian hacking as the reason for their defeat against Trump. Political Cartoon by..


Senator Chuck Schumer has a plan to stop Trump in every way he can. Now who is the obstructionist? Cartoon..
Biding His Time

Biding His Time

Putin being blamed, without proof, for hacking the election, feels he may have better success dealing with Trump. Cartoon by..
Cozy BFF’s

Cozy BFF’s

Obama, while cozying up to countries and tyrants like Iran and Cuba, is concerned with Trumps supposed relationship with Putin...
Outside Influences

Outside Influences

Obama and the democrats are blaming Russia influencing our election, but no mention of how illegal immigrants south of the..
The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker

Trump Derangement Syndrome – Demonstrated by the left’s loony actions from rioting in the streets to demands for a recount...
Give Em’ Hell Donald

Give Em’ Hell Donald

To mainstream media’s shock and disbelief, Donald Trump wins the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Pit Stop

Pit Stop

Baiting Trump is Hillary’s primary goal in this election in order to keep the attention away from her horrific record...
Hillary’s Safe Space

Hillary’s Safe Space

Release the Trump Tax Returns says Hillary, while she refuses to release her Wall Street Speech transcripts along with 30,000..
Ryan, For Real?

Ryan, For Real?

Paul Ryan conservative? Funds executive amnesty, Funds Planned parenthood, and continues spending out of control. Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2016. More..