Tag Archives: Taxes

This is Armageddon

This is Armageddon

Multi-millionaire Pelosi thinks a $1000 to $2000 bonuses are crumbs but working families may feel different. Political cartoon by A.F...
Show Me The Money

Show Me The Money

Pelosi and Schumer want you to believe keeping more of what you earn is somehow bad for you. Political Cartoon..
Tax Cut Cons

Tax Cut Cons

Democrats are against anything that benefits America, as long as it allows Trump to look good. Political Cartoon by A.F...
Trickle Down Taxation

Trickle Down Taxation

Trickle Down Taxation put forth by Obama, he says, will help the middle class. Many believe this redistribution scheme will..
IRS Sticker Shock

IRS Sticker Shock

IRS Audits Conservative Groups. Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2014 Note: You may re-post this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  More A.F.Branco..