A.F. Branco Cartoon—Biden’s State Of The Union address, filled with lies and gaslighting, was no surprise to people paying attention...
Tag Archives: State of the Union
Biden performs his clown show in his State of the Union speech full of lies and phony achievements. Political cartoon..
Biden is all talk, the master of talking tough but nothing to show for it but disaster. Political cartoon by..
After just one year of President Biden, the ‘State Of The Union” is strong, as in reaks. Political cartoon by..
Donations/Tips accepted and appreciated – $1.00 – $5.00 – $25.00 – $50.00 – $100 – it all helps to fund this..
Nancy couldn’t contain her rage at the State of the Union speech and riped up Trump’s speech. Political cartoon by..
Not only is the state of our union strong so is the state of President Trump after 3 years of..
Democrat women, When you wear White it shows everything, like revenge politics, infanticide, socialism, national election fraud etc. More A.F...
At times it seems as if Trump has his finger in the dam against the recent wave of socialist agenda..
“Nancy’s Wall of Resistance Against Trump” She could care less about the Federal workers, it’s all about her power and..
Pelosi says Trump is not welcome to give State of the Union Adress at the House of Representatives due to..
Rich and very white, Joe Kennedy gives an anti-American response to Trumps very pro-American State of the Union. Political Cartoon..
Obama SOTU Denial – Getting high on a big fatty called denial, while the destruction of America continues. Cartoon by..
Obama SOTU Rubble – Hillary plans to continue the disaster as president. Political Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2016. More A.F.Branco Cartoons..
Deflate Gate of the political kind. Obama doesn’t like playing by the rules constitutionally, and isn’t beyond inflating his job..
Trickle Down Taxation put forth by Obama, he says, will help the middle class. Many believe this redistribution scheme will..
State of the union is an Obama designed disaster. Obama-care, and Obama-nomics have devastated America along with all the Obama-scandals...
Sunday Past Blast cartoon. A.F.Branco cartoon from 2012 State of the Union Address. Things just seem to get worse every..