Tag Archives: Obama

Stupid IRS Tricks

Stupid IRS Tricks

IRS gets a Bonus?! But wait, no one at the IRS has been punished or fired due to targeting conservative..
Peace Going to Pieces

Peace Going to Pieces

Political cartoon addressing how Obama’s “give peace a chance” foreign policy may be giving Iran’s nuclear program a chance.
Unemployed to Zero

Unemployed to Zero

People are pushed from being unemployed to being a Zero ( not counted ), like the record 92 million other..
King of Stonewalling

King of Stonewalling

You’ve heard about the “Wolf of Wall Street”, but how about the “Wolf of Stonewall Street”? We still haven’t been..
Another Vacation

Another Vacation

Obama  vacations while the rest of are left behind to suffer from the effects of his incompetence. Cartoon by A.F.Branco..
Lie of the Year Award

Lie of the Year Award

A.F.Branco Cartoon; Barack the Lyin” Heart. Unlike the Nobel Peace Prize, here is an award Obama has actually earned. The..
America Under Destruction

America Under Destruction

Obama’s America Under Destruction, and some other unintended consequences. Political cartoon by A.F.Branco More Branco cartoons at Patriot Update here  
Obama Claus

Obama Claus

Obama Claus is taking over. Much like how they’ve treated the Tea Party, Obama has a way of removing his..
Hope In Changing Youth

Hope In Changing Youth

To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.   A.F.Branco Political Cartoon; Obama Millennials are now having a change of..
Healthcare.gov Paint Job

Healthcare.gov Paint Job

More Branco cartoons at Patriot Update here A.F.Branco Political Cartoon; Healthcare.gov is fixed according to Obama and the left. Bet you..