Tag Archives: Obama-nomics

Oh No You Didn’t

Oh No You Didn’t

After 8 years of his regulations, Obamacare, and a slow economy, Obama tries to take credit for Trumps Successful economy...
Myth Buster

Myth Buster

Obama and the Democrats say a rotten economy with no job growth is the new normal, but President Trump is..
Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Workforce Participation is at a record low while Obama and the left continue to tout their failed economic policies. Cartoon..
On The Road Again

On The Road Again

4 trillion Stimulus Plan by Obama would devastate our children’s future for sure. Aren’t we already over 18 trillion in..
Deflate Of The Union

Deflate Of The Union

Deflate Gate of the political kind. Obama doesn’t like playing by the rules constitutionally, and isn’t beyond inflating his job..
Trickle Down Taxation

Trickle Down Taxation

Trickle Down Taxation put forth by Obama, he says, will help the middle class. Many believe this redistribution scheme will..
Get Over It

Get Over It

Economy Obama style. If there is any improvement in the economy in real terms, it’s in spite of his policies...


Obama’s transformation of America is becoming more apparent throughout America. Political cartoons by A.F.Branco ©2014. More A.F.Branco Cartoons at Net Right..
Allowing For Shrinkage

Allowing For Shrinkage

Shrinking America due to Obama policies, economic, foreign and domestic. Political cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2014. Note: You may reprint this..
Executive Distractions

Executive Distractions

Shiny Obama Distractions to obscure the destruction. Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2014 Note: You may re-post this cartoon provided you link back to this..
Economic Vortex

Economic Vortex

First came blame G.W. Bush, now it’s blame one of the coldest winters (Caused by global warming of course) for..
Job Liberation

Job Liberation

The latest liberal spin on the CBO numbers is, Obama-care is “Job Liberation”. Job Lock No longer an issue. More..
Media Economics

Media Economics

Media Economics breaks down very simply; No matter how good the economy is, If a republican is president the economy..
Through the Heart

Through the Heart

State of the union is an Obama designed disaster. Obama-care, and Obama-nomics have devastated America along with all the Obama-scandals...


To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.   A.F.Branco Cartoon; Barry-cade. Media is still trying to blame only Republican..
Obama-care Blow It Up

Obama-care Blow It Up

To see more cartoons at Net Right Daily, click here A.F.Branco Cartoon; Obama-care Blow It Up . Obama complained that the GOP..