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Yuge Difference

Yuge Difference

President-Elect Trump makes a huge deal with Carrier to keep jobs in America, making Obama look even smaller. Cartoon by..
Save The Children

Save The Children

It appears kids are learning more at public school than some parents have bargained for. Time to homeschool? Cartoon by..
Adios El Presidente

Adios El Presidente

Obama seems to hold Castro in high regard, possibly because he envied his Position as a dictator with unchecked authoritarian..
The Nutcracker

The Nutcracker

Trump Derangement Syndrome – Demonstrated by the left’s loony actions from rioting in the streets to demands for a recount...
Hill and Jill

Hill and Jill

Jill Stein is organizing a recount, but could Soros and Hillary be behind it to undermine the Trump presidency? Cartoon by..
Hope n’ Fear

Hope n’ Fear

The last thing Obama and the Democrats want is for Trump’s plans to help America prosper. It’s proof liberalism is..
Pardon Me

Pardon Me

How does Hillary Clinton fit into this year’s Thanksgiving Day theme? We’ll see what birds of a feather flocks together...
Cape Tears

Cape Tears

He may be a tough guy in the movies, but Robert De Niro is being a big crybaby over the..
Media Then and Now

Media Then and Now

Even after the election the mainstream media continues its assault on Donald Trump. Behavior considered un-American during the Obama presidency...


The Silent Majority, once thought to be long gone or dead, have awaken to vote for Donald Trump. Cartoon by..
The Chicago Way

The Chicago Way

Mayor (of murder capital USA) Rahm Emanuel says to illegal immigrants, you are safe to break the law in Chicago...
Love Hate Election

Love Hate Election

Hypocritical Hillary supporters riot and threaten to kill Trump because the democratic process didn’t go their way. Cartoon by A.F...
Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit

The never Trumpers, the mainstream media, GOPe, and Democrats, all laughed and scoffed saying Trump could never be elected President..
End Of An Error

End Of An Error

Obama’s Legacy may be over now that Trump, who ran on ending Obamacare and cancelling executive orders, has been elected...
Drain Baby Drain!

Drain Baby Drain!

Donald Trump is heading to Washington D.C. to clean things up, or as some would say, drain the swamp. Cartoon..
Angry White Liberals

Angry White Liberals

Liberal democrat millennial protesters seem to have a problem with democracy when election don’t turn out their way. Cartoon by..
Catching Up

Catching Up

GOP establishment are moving toward a better Trump relationship, now that he’s won the election. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Give Em’ Hell Donald

Give Em’ Hell Donald

To mainstream media’s shock and disbelief, Donald Trump wins the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Closing Argument

Closing Argument

The “Closing Argument” for Donald Trump is – Hillary’s choices for SCOTUS Justices would be a disaster for our Constitutional..
Bad Influence

Bad Influence

Hillary and the Democrats are outraged over Trump’s lewd comments, but are fine with Jay Z and his profanity laced..
The End Is Near

The End Is Near

End of the 2016 Election is near with Clinton and Trump still very close, even with the media helping Hillary...
See No Evil

See No Evil

The Media (abc, cbs, cnn, npr and nbc) appear to have imposed a blackout on covering the FBI investigation into..
The Other Half

The Other Half

Hillary and Huma having some thoughts on Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner being such perverts. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Honest Hillary

Honest Hillary

Hillary can not tell the truth, especially when it comes to TPP and Amnesty. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. More..
Lost In Space

Lost In Space

Podesta and Hillary are blaming the Russians for all the new revelations into their corruption. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Like A Bad Rash

Like A Bad Rash

The Government has been inflicted with Hillary Clinton politics for about 30 years, is Trump the cure? Cartoon by A.F...
Danger Surprise

Danger Surprise

FBI reopens the Hillary email scandal Case based on what they found investigating Anthony Weiner. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016...
Democratic Decay

Democratic Decay

Reports of rampant voter fraud happening in the swing states this 2016 Election. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. (Revised from..
From Beneath The Swamp

From Beneath The Swamp

Hillary Clinton’s corruption reaches far, wide and deep throughout the government and the press. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. To see..
Preparation H

Preparation H

The Last time the Clinton’s were in the White House, they stole the furniture when they left. Cartoon by A.F...
Duck and Cover-Up

Duck and Cover-Up

Hillary Clinton is being exposed for her dirty politics and corruption. She was behind Donald Duck costume. Cartoon by A.F...