Create Your Very Own Safe Gun-Free Zone! (Hint: Parody) (Video)

Gun-free zones

Yep. Gun-free zones are pretty much like Manuel the Matador waving his muleta at an enrage bull.

Think green light for any and all thugs and thieves.

How safe would you feel with a big ‘Gun-Free Zone’ sign on your front lawn?

Personally, I’d rather have the sign that says “Nothing inside worth dying for” above a picture of a rifle. That works.

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If someone intends to commit a crime, why in the wide, wide world would anyone be gullible enough to believe they would obey a puny little “Gun-Free Zone” sign?

Maybe gullible’s not quite the right word. Perhaps absolute, 100% stupid?

Check out this video FNC created to illustrate the point:

Yep. There is stupid and then there is pure stupid, and that sign would be the latter.

Really funny…until some real bad dude shows up at the door.

Then give me my Glock 9mm any day.

