Editor’s note: I get a whole lot of funny emails, some true, some fiction. And every once in a while one is good enough that I just have to share it. This one is right up my alley. I’m a shooter, carry concealed, love the Constitution and, though a native Oregonian, have great admiration for Texas and Texans. The response of this (most likely fictional) mother is awesome. And it’s especially awesome because any number of Texas moms I know might say the exact same thing! It would be funny to compare Texas mama’s response with that of some princess from Bel Air! Priorities people! Enjoy and share! Tami Jackson
By Anonymous
This picture was posted on a website with this accompanying question:
Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?
“If you were in a public place, would you feel comfortable with this man sitting ten feet away from your children?”
This is the thoughtful response from one of the readers:
I would gently explain to my children that while it is his absolute right to do it, I do not approve. In no uncertain terms I would tell them that if I ever catch THEM wearing brown slacks, blue socks and black shoes, IN PUBLIC, I will slap the crap out of them.
Texas Mom