Political Cartoons


Political cartoons by Conservative artist A.F. Branco

Ghost Of Economies past

Ghost Of Economies past

Many people on the left continue trying to credit the booming economy to Obama’s failed economic policies. Political Cartoon by..
This is Armageddon

This is Armageddon

Multi-millionaire Pelosi thinks a $1000 to $2000 bonuses are crumbs but working families may feel different. Political cartoon by A.F...
Haters Gonna Hate

Haters Gonna Hate

At this point, Democrats have nothing to run on for 2018 but their visceral hate for Trump. Political Cartoon by..
Don’t Do It!

Don’t Do It!

Many legal mines are saying that Trump should not voluntarily submit to a Mueller interview because it’s a trap in..
No Big There

No Big There

The media is trying to ignore 2 elephants in the room, The FISA memo, and The Trump economic boom. Political..
Watergate On Steroids

Watergate On Steroids

Many are saying the FBI missing text scandal is the Watergate scandal on steroids. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018...


Hostage taker Schumer has absolutely no reason not to Shutdown the government knowing that, as usual, the Republicans will get..


Obama said manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back and a bad economy is the new normal, but then came Trump. Political..
Code Blue

Code Blue

The mainstream media can’t believe that Trump, according to his physician, is in excellent health. Dems seem very disappointed. Political..
Media Meltdown

Media Meltdown

The mainstream media continues to have a meltdown over Trump saying the word Sh*thole in the Oval Office. Political Cartoon..
Oh No You Didn’t

Oh No You Didn’t

After 8 years of his regulations, Obamacare, and a slow economy, Obama tries to take credit for Trumps Successful economy...
Shut Up and Conform

Shut Up and Conform

Project Veritas with their hidden camera has busted social media giant twitter for shadow banning conservatives views. Political Cartoon by..
Lookin’ For Love

Lookin’ For Love

The Democrats are in full meltdown over trump using the word Sh*thole in the oval office referring to some foreign..
The Shadow Knows

The Shadow Knows

Project Veritas has caught Twitter executives red-handed (Pun intended) shadow banning conservatives. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017. See more Conservative..
Hindsight 2020

Hindsight 2020

Democrats are in desperate need of a candidate that they feel has a chance to beat Trump in the upcoming..
Any Day Now

Any Day Now

Will CNN and the rest of the Mainstream media ever give up on this phony Russia-Trump Collusion story? Political Cartoon..


Fire and Fury, A book many on both sides of the aisle are calling mostly fiction, has taken DC by..


The Democrats continue to lose their minds believing that they’re qualified to question Trumps mental fitness. Political Cartoon by A.F...


Democrats are boasting of a blue wave coming this election while missing the trump’s growing economic wave. Political Cartoon by..
The Beltway Outlaw

The Beltway Outlaw

The truth about Robin Hood is that he stole the people’s money back from the Government and returned it. Much..
Pen-Head Eraser

Pen-Head Eraser

Obama’s legacy of executive orders using his pen and his phone are being erased by president Trump, almost like it..