Political Cartoons


Political cartoons by Conservative artist A.F. Branco

Through the Heart

Through the Heart

State of the union is an Obama designed disaster. Obama-care, and Obama-nomics have devastated America along with all the Obama-scandals...
Wendy Davis Lies

Wendy Davis Lies

Wendy Davis lies seem to have caught up with her. Should she solicit any advice from Elizabeth Warren? To see..
Jobless in America

Jobless in America

“Jobless in America”. We have a record 92 million Americans out of the workforce, welfare and food stamps at record..


“Crappy-care” could be an appropriate name for the Affordable Care Act since it’s the young and healthy that may be..
Unemployed to Zero

Unemployed to Zero

People are pushed from being unemployed to being a Zero ( not counted ), like the record 92 million other..
King of Stonewalling

King of Stonewalling

You’ve heard about the “Wolf of Wall Street”, but how about the “Wolf of Stonewall Street”? We still haven’t been..
Bridgegate Hate

Bridgegate Hate

Chris Christie has found himself on a bridge over troubled water. Coined Bridgegate by the media. To see more Legal..
Global Warming Frozen

Global Warming Frozen

The House Liberals Built. “Global Warming, conveniently renamed “climate change”, is now Global Warming Frozen. To see more cartoons at..
2014 in the Bag

2014 in the Bag

Democrats 2014 in the Bag. Not a single Republican voted for Obama care, and now moving toward 2014, how are..
Another Vacation

Another Vacation

Obama  vacations while the rest of are left behind to suffer from the effects of his incompetence. Cartoon by A.F.Branco..