A. F. Branco Cartoon – Summer Of Love Gov

02 Tim Hat CI 1080b

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Governor Tim of Minnesota allowed his city to burn and didn’t lift a finger to stop it, and many say he actually encouraged it. Now, he wants to spread the lunacy of illegals having driver’s licenses, tampons in boys’ bathrooms, gun confiscation, and no parental rights across the nation.

HOW FITTING: Democratic Socialists of America Take Credit for Harris Picking Tim Walz as Running Mate

By Mike LaChance – Aug 7, 2024

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) are pretty excited about the prospect of Tim Walz as a running mate for Kamala Harris. In fact, they’re taking credit for the choice.
Walz’s comments about socialism just being a form of ‘neighborliness’ make a lot more sense now, don’t they?
The radical left clearly sees a fellow traveler in Walz. They expect him to advance their agenda.
The propaganda campaign, heavily aided by the leftist press, is well underway to paint Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as a normal, folksy Democrat after Vice President Kamala Harris selected him as her 2024 running mate Tuesday.
But the organziation taking credit for the Walz choice is telling and bolsters his far left record in Minnesota. It also explains why Harris didn’t choose Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro


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A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country in various news outlets, including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump.
