A.F. Branco Cartoon – When the left is screaming for women’s abortion rights but can’t tell you what a woman is, and feels it’s okay to kill babies up to 9 months in the womb and beyond, shows the insanity of their thinking.
Abortion Was Leading Cause of Death Worldwide for Fifth Consecutive Year in 2023
The abortion statistics for 2023 are in, and they make for grim reading. The Christian Post reported that abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2023, topping infectious diseases and cancer. Approximately 44.6 million babies were murdered in the womb over the course of 2023, marking the fifth consecutive year in which abortion was the world’s leading cause of death.
Other significant causes of death included infectious diseases (12.9 million), cancer (8.2 million), smoking (4.9 million), alcohol abuse (2.4 million), HIV and AIDS (1.6 million), traffic accidents (1.3 million) and suicide (over 1 million). READ MORE
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A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country in various news outlets, including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump