Why Are They Called ‘Snowflakes’???


Our friend, Jeff Dunetz at Lid Blog knows why!

Jeff writes:

The problem with limiting the freedom of speech is that those limits completely negate the “freedom” part.

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You do not have the right to not be offended. That is just the absolute truth of the matter. There is no reality in which your emotions can create a legal precedent in which we can, as a society, punish someone’s opinions. Actions pertaining to offensive opinions, such as hate crimes, are certainly in need of attention, but we cannot stop bigotry or hatred by outlawing it.

Furthermore, we must examine the end-goal of the left. Can we afford for these “micro aggression” obsessed snowflakes to dictate our opinions on any matter, let alone those that could have grave political consequences? Furthermore, should we fall victim to the normalization of the politically correct culture, the path to liberal tyranny becomes uncluttered by our American rights.

