Tag Archives: Media Bias

Just Beat It

Just Beat It

The media has beat the Russia Trump collusion theory beyond recognition, and still no evidence. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco..
What’s The Scoop

What’s The Scoop

Trump Gets 2 Scoops! – The mainstream media is so focused on destroying Trump they neglect real news, like the..
Members Only

Members Only

The leftist media (mainstream media), CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo and the New York Times are a part of the..
Up In Smoke

Up In Smoke

Clinton ally Morell says smoke, but no fire, that there is no evidence of a Russian-Trump collusion to interfere in..
Third Rate Romance

Third Rate Romance

Senators McCain and Graham join the democrats and mainstream media in their war on President Trump. Political Cartoon A.F. Branco..
What Chaos?

What Chaos?

President Trump says his administration is not in chaos, but is a fine tuned machine doing exactly what he was..
Lie Detector

Lie Detector

The Mainstream media easily ignores all of Obama’s lies, but to quick to call out Trump for lying when he..
Trump Media School

Trump Media School

CNN’s attempt to tarnish President-Elect Trumps reputation with BuzzFeed’s fake news has backfired. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2017. To see..
Media Then and Now

Media Then and Now

Even after the election the mainstream media continues its assault on Donald Trump. Behavior considered un-American during the Obama presidency...
The End Is Near

The End Is Near

End of the 2016 Election is near with Clinton and Trump still very close, even with the media helping Hillary...
See No Evil

See No Evil

The Media (abc, cbs, cnn, npr and nbc) appear to have imposed a blackout on covering the FBI investigation into..
Hillary Super Pac

Hillary Super Pac

The mainstream media is Hillary Clinton’s largest super pac. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. A.F.Branco Coffee Table Book <—- Order..
All In For Hillary

All In For Hillary

The entire media complex and the Washington DC establishment, are at war with Donald Trump. Revised A.F. Branco cartoon from..
A Whining Performance

A Whining Performance

The mainstream media could win an Oscar for their phony trump tape outrage. Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016. More A.F...
Reeks of Bias

Reeks of Bias

The Media is more than willing to ignore the multiple stains on Hillary to focus on Trump. Political Cartoon by..
Cover Story

Cover Story

The Media cover story for the naked truth on Hillary is “Trump Says Mean Things”, more proof journalism is dead...
Rough Road Ahead

Rough Road Ahead

Now that Trump has won the primary is he ready to take on Hillary, her mega Wall Street Millions the..
Bias Media Well Done

Bias Media Well Done

Trump blasts The media for their bias reporting and misrepresenting the facts, and the people seem to love it. Cartoon..


The mainstream media has big plans for Trump now that he is the GOP nominee against their candidate Hillary. Political..