Joe Dan Gorman IF’s ‘One Flew Over the Democrat Party’

One flew over Democrat Party IF

At Comically Incorrect we love to feature Joe Dan Gorman’s Intellectual Froglegs episodes — his humor fits CI to a “T” and he cameos Antonio in many of the episodes.

This latest IF video, ‘One Flew Over the Democrat Party,’ is every bit as humorous and irreverent as the preceding installments, jam-packed with rocking background music as Joe Dan excoriates The Left, building a case against those radical liberals and Progressives who now run the Dems.

In this episode you’ll find more examples of Leftist Lunacy including gaggles of Obama strategy for fundamentally transforming America the Beautiful into a Progressive’s Utopian Dream State.

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These Intellectual Froglegs are not trailers or little five minute videos: Joe Dan spends a tremendous amount of time and talent writing and producing each episode. You’ll not only want to watch the full 30+ minutes, you’ll find it hard to STOP watching.

These video episodes are that good, that funny, and that informative, and ‘One Flew Over the Democrat Party’ is no exception. By the way, there’s no Nurse Ratched, but you will see San Fran Nan and other unhinged Lefty females (I won’t call them ladies!)

So get comfy, grab a snack or beverage of choice and settle in for the most fun you’ll ever have learning about The Left and their perpetual grievance society!
