A.F. Branco Cartoon- – The Puppeteer

Puppets OF Corporate America

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Free Market Capitalism is great, but when big corporations merge with the Government, it begins to smell a lot like Fascism, affecting our food quality and health as a nation. Our politicians are being paid huge money to look the other way.

RINO Mitch McConnell Issues Stern Warning to GOP Senators: Backing Josh Hawley’s Anti-Corporate Donation Bill Could Mean ‘Incoming’ Consequences

By Jim Hoft – Nov 1, 2024 – The Gateway Pundit

In a recent private meeting, Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell issued a stern warning to Republican senators against supporting a new bill from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), or they will face an “incoming” from the “center-right” if they supported Hawley’s bill, according to CNN.
On Tuesday, Sen. Hawley introduced a new legislation titled the Ending Corporate Influence on Elections Act. This bill aims to “get corporate money out of American politics and dramatically cut back on publicly traded corporations’ ability to influence elections.” (READ MORE)


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A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions (art and politics) and translated them into cartoons that have been popular all over the country in various news outlets, including NewsMax, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Rep. Devin Nunes, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Chris Salcedo, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and President Trump.
